domingo, 6 de julho de 2008

The end of the Anglican Church

Na Spectator, um dos órgãos do 'conservadorismo' pós-moderno, escreve-se o obituário da igreja anglicana.
O autor culpa, por um lado, a 'homofobia' da ala evangélica (já o Economist também demonstra um grande fascínio pelo homossexo, que raio de coisa). Por outro lado, a miopia de Rowan Willams terá deixado dissolver o liberalismo tolerante da igreja de Inglaterra, feito de sucessivos compromissos com cultura liberal, na comunhão anglicana mundial.
Apesar das óbvias simpatias do autor, não deixa de ser uma leitura interessante e divertida.Citação:
"... the old alliance between Church and culture has crumbled. In the past, there was a huge constituency of cultural Anglicans who went to church for love of C of E traditions whatever the actual state of their beliefs. Catering for them kept the Church on a pragmatically liberal course. But about 50 years ago these old-school Anglicans started staying in bed, the lazy sods, and soon the Church’s cultural centrality was more of a memory than a reality. Without the support of decent, tolerant agnostics, Anglicanism became a liberal tradition that half-hates its own liberalism. And to complicate things, it has two ways of half-hating its own liberalism: an evangelical way and a Catholic way. Holding this all together is about as easy as being Amy Winehouse’s shrink.
In blogue Fiat Lux

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